The Nothingness (Das Nichts)

by @ttg105 · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#uke #melodica #wistful #german #poetry

Andrea weaves a magical, ethereal and playful vocal tapestry around two chords and a melodica. Lovely! (I just listened to it 10 times in a row, so I may be biased.) Our 109th song!

Mahtowin: i feel gratefull for the posibility to bring my poetry to life with the wonderfull music of PP!
It‘s a blessing and a late gift of life for me!


Das Nichts lebt im Tal am Fluß
Dort steht weder Baum noch Busch
Und drumherum und überall
Ist es grau, nebelweiß und kahl!

Das Nichts sitzt oft am Fluß
Hängt seine Füsse rein -
Und ist dabei
Ganz gern allein.

Und träumt von einem Nest i, Baum,
Wo es schläft in Federn und in Flaum!

Das Nichts ist noch sehr klein
Und geht so gerne spielen!
Und schaut dabei den Wolken zu,
Wie sie am Himmel fliegen!

The nothingness

The nothingness lives in the valley by the river.
There is neither tree nor bush there
and around and everywhere
is it gray, misty white and bare!

The Nothingness often sits by the river
Hang its feet in it -
And likes to be alone.

And dreams of a nest in the tree,
where it sleeps in feathers and in down!

The nothingness is still very small
And it loves to play!
And looks at the clouds,
how they fly in the sky!


What a great and unexpected image/personification of the Nichts! Based on the title, I was expecting something far gloomier. I love the two chords and melodica. What a paradox that the Nichts is wishing for material things!
Echt gute Stimme!
This was a real pleasure to listen to. Despite the fact that it was just two chords, there was plenty going on to capture the attention. That melodica was so well-used, it had my mind going to a bunch of different places. And the vocals were great, ethereal, dreamy, really nice. Great work!
Nice vocal layering and dreamy uplifting sensation that the music creates.
It makes so much sens that nothingness would be available for games and dreams. After all it's got no weight on its shoulders and no restraint binds its wrists. Why did I fear there would be angst in a song with this theme ?
Such a relaxing light and dreamy song !
This feels a lot more hopeful than I was expecting from the title. It's lovely.
Great poetic pictures riding on soft waves of wonderful music. Great collab. Makes me dream.
At first I thought this was about "Die unendliche Geschichte," but it's not exactly, is it? It's an interesting variation, and I really like the song.
How beautiful! This is a really chill song with such soothing vocals. Very nicely done!
I sense a flare of Buddhist ideals in Andrea’s poetry. The word ‘nothingness’ caught my attention. Also, love the two chord strum.
Oh wow, was expecting a poem but got this beautiful vocal with the uke playing through. Its sung so beautifully that the German is softened and gentle sounding. Enjoyed this and all the whispers.
I am encouraged. Sometimes I write tunes with just 2 chords and that’s it. I would often feel like I’m not doing enough, but this shows me I can just keep doing what I’m doing until I’m ready. Now about this poem. I could use whimsical today. This piece took me to a place long enough not to want to have to leave my office area and scream. So I thank you both for this. 😀
the poem is wonderful and i love paul's two chord groove. reminds me of the velvet underground and nico. i an also stimulated by andrea's personification of nothingness.
The rhythm is so jaunty. Makes me want to hitch up the buggy and go for a drive. So sweet and catchy. Ten times in a row? Just put it on repeat! I love the images, too. I'm picturing nothingness hanging out and taking in the world. Wow!
This is lovely. I feel like I'm missing out not knowing German, though. The words Das Nichts have a great sound.
She does exactly that! So pillowy and then that bass comes in. Nice collab, as always,
Oi oi you going all poppy and mainstream. Well it’s alright by me! Very catchy that back music just holds you! If it wasn’t for the ol melodica I might not have picked who it was! Just for the record. I loved it!