Dried-Out Specialty Bread (Hell Raisin)
by @carleybaer · @tcelliott · @negasi · @aeye · @metalfoot · @beacon · @newukenewyork
Liner Notes
#fuc #acoustic-one-take #slackconversation
Slack is just the gift that keeps on giving. Many of these lines are presented verbatim. There were some divergences of opinion regarding peanut butter and coconut and oatmeal, but the things we opposed were near unanimous, and now committed to song for eternity.
EDIT TO ADD: Thanks to the Slack Beer Hall Singers for showing up on that last chorus, featuring original collaborators plus @negasi and @beacon, cheers to everyone (unless you're a raisin)
Raisins can die, forever
I don’t mind them, long as other people eat them
And keep them away from me
Raisins don’t belong in cookies or cakes
Maybe Thai food as long as they’re golden
Maybe craisins instead
But you better dang sure keep those raisins the heck
Far away from my specialty bread
Specialty bread is like pumpkin
Or banana or cinnamon raisin but it goes without sayin
Without the raisins
Don’t put two loaves of specialty bread next to each other and one of them have raisins and not expect it to be the only one left
And after a while, what you’ve got is a sad loaf
Of dried-out specialty bread
Dried-out specialty bread
Dried-out specialty bread
The two worst things for your skin care
Is the desert air and dried-out specialty bread
Specialty bread should be moister
As long as it’s moist I can eat it, but some are definitely better than others
If it’s dry, let me try not to choke to death over the proceeding three minutes
And the worst is when you think that it’s olive or chocolate chip and then you find someone put a giant raisin right in it
Dried-out specialty bread
Dried-out specialty bread
The two worst things for your skin care
Is the desert air and dried-out specialty bread
If you find the slice with the raisin (like a king cake!)
You have good luck for a week
But bad luck for the entire time you’re eating the
Dried-out specialty bread
Dried-out specialty bread
The two worst things for your skin care
Is the desert air and dried-out specialty bread
Enjoyed this a lot. Really cool.
FWIW, I have never heard the phrase "specialty bread" before, it's what I typically think of as a loaf cake, or quick bread. But the term makes this somehow more quirky, and I am here for it.
Also no fan of specialty bread.
Just give me some cheese and I'm happy.
Omg, and you actually had "everybody" sing at the end! I am applauding!
Without the raisins" and I think it's because of the delivery of the word sayin. What a cool word, I'm just sayin. ha. Great chorus too. The combining of desert air and not so moist dried-out specialty bread is neat, just like this song!
I feel like I skirted round the edges of watching this one being written.
And it's a bloody earworm!
Fun song -- Like the drawn out first couple lines in each verse a lot.
I actually like raisin bread toast (I know, I have terrible taste for things that taste terrible) but I will never be able to eat another piece without thinking of this song.