Dried-Out Specialty Bread (Hell Raisin)

by @carleybaer · @tcelliott · @negasi · @aeye · @metalfoot · @beacon · @newukenewyork

Dried-Out Specialty Bread (Hell Raisin)
carleybaer +6

Liner Notes

#fuc #acoustic-one-take #slackconversation

Slack is just the gift that keeps on giving. Many of these lines are presented verbatim. There were some divergences of opinion regarding peanut butter and coconut and oatmeal, but the things we opposed were near unanimous, and now committed to song for eternity.

EDIT TO ADD: Thanks to the Slack Beer Hall Singers for showing up on that last chorus, featuring original collaborators plus @negasi and @beacon, cheers to everyone (unless you're a raisin)


Raisins can die, forever
I don’t mind them, long as other people eat them
And keep them away from me
Raisins don’t belong in cookies or cakes
Maybe Thai food as long as they’re golden
Maybe craisins instead
But you better dang sure keep those raisins the heck
Far away from my specialty bread

Specialty bread is like pumpkin
Or banana or cinnamon raisin but it goes without sayin
Without the raisins
Don’t put two loaves of specialty bread next to each other and one of them have raisins and not expect it to be the only one left
And after a while, what you’ve got is a sad loaf
Of dried-out specialty bread

Dried-out specialty bread
Dried-out specialty bread
The two worst things for your skin care
Is the desert air and dried-out specialty bread

Specialty bread should be moister
As long as it’s moist I can eat it, but some are definitely better than others
If it’s dry, let me try not to choke to death over the proceeding three minutes
And the worst is when you think that it’s olive or chocolate chip and then you find someone put a giant raisin right in it

Dried-out specialty bread
Dried-out specialty bread
The two worst things for your skin care
Is the desert air and dried-out specialty bread

If you find the slice with the raisin (like a king cake!)
You have good luck for a week
But bad luck for the entire time you’re eating the

Dried-out specialty bread
Dried-out specialty bread
The two worst things for your skin care
Is the desert air and dried-out specialty bread


"Raisins are just dead grapes" ~Joon (from Benny & Joon)

I actually like raisin bread toast (I know, I have terrible taste for things that taste terrible) but I will never be able to eat another piece without thinking of this song.
I totally share your feelings about raisins, but have never been able to capture my feelings the way you've captured them here. So often I've been fooled by raisins masquerading as chocolate chips -- I'm glad your song can spread the word about this ruse! Lyrics were fabulous, but also loved the sing along and vocal clarity and accuracy.
Such a cool song, really fun and creative.
Hahaha this has been a slack meme for a week and I've finally had a minute to press play on it. The singalong chorus at the end is the BEST!
Ha! Love the words. Funny, and I love the quick vocal delivery.
Enjoyed this a lot. Really cool.
Thank you for the laughter! I love raisins but why the hell do people ruin baking with candied peel! Like others, I think you are referring to what I call quick bread or quick loaf. Note to self: spend more time on Slack before FAWM.
This is great and gave me laugh. I like how you roll right into the chorus after the last verse. Great job!
your uke and voice go so well together. clearly you can sing about raisins and captivate an audience. love the humor. great tune!
I love raisins but hate mint and whipped cream, so...I can still relate to the "why do so many desserts contain x ingredient" vibe. The chorus at the end is wonderful, could almost be a live audience. Great delivery, too. Good singing and overly cheerful to boot. "Like a king cake!" got me. 😆

FWIW, I have never heard the phrase "specialty bread" before, it's what I typically think of as a loaf cake, or quick bread. But the term makes this somehow more quirky, and I am here for it.
This song brings me back to my childhood. The vibe of the music makes me feel the grass between my toes in the park during mid-summer, complaining and discussing the foods our moms gave us with some friends from the neighborhood. Today wasn’t a great day for me, but this song helped bring my smile back. Crazy what music can do. Thanks so much!
This is hilarious and catchy as dried-out specialty bread with raisins. Oh man I miss all the Slack chat fun!
This was great! Obviously, the lyrics are hilarious (even to someone like me, who is more or less pro-raisin, within reason), but some lines are more equal than others (e.g., "the worst is when you think that it's olive or chocolate chip and then find someone put a giant raisin right in it" or "You have good luck for a week but bad luck for the entire time you're eating the..."). I love how you manage to be fluid with the phrasing so as to squeeze in as many words as are needed for a given line. The chorus is a treat, and my favorite part is the very end when you have multiple voices singing it, like they were just sitting there the whole time and suddenly they pipe up at the end and join in. Magic.
This is wonderful. It kind of sounds like a weird stream of consciousness, but then it's far too well thought out for that. You've managed to make something sound improvised and immaculately planned at the same time. Brilliant!
Very funny and a joy to listen to.
Incredible. An absolute blast throughout but particularly liked the enjambment into the last chorus and the reprise with everyone at the end. So good.
So much fun. Thanks for having me on the chorus!
Bwahahah I laughed first at the title and then the whole time thru the song. Delightful and hilarious. "Hell Raisin" 😂😂😂
Raisins can die! I really hate them in Strudel and Müsli. Why the heck!
Also no fan of specialty bread.
Just give me some cheese and I'm happy.
I love this both as a songwriter and as a baker. Really excellent, and your voice and playing are just perfect for this.
As a proud raisin-hater since childhood, I was on board with this song from the first line. I think "Don’t put two loaves of specialty bread next to each other and one of them have raisins and not expect it to be the only one left" might be my new favorite line from any song, ever 😂

Omg, and you actually had "everybody" sing at the end! I am applauding!
LOL! I’m still trying to get my head wrapped around the giant raisin.
I love the odd specificity and lengthy phrases. Hilarious, and all the more so for the sweet delivery. And that group chorus! Awesome!
A joy to listen to. Now I want a couple of slices of raisin toast. My wife hates currants too. Ah, the lurking raisin phobia! A hoot. Most enjoyable. Got me singing the dried-out chorus. (Never took bread out in teh desert. Always crackers, which would stay crisp and delightful. Pity about the skin. Fully clad, all the time.)
What a sweet song. The instrumentation is prefect for the theme. Especially like the line "Or banana or cinnamon raisin but it goes without sayin
Without the raisins" and I think it's because of the delivery of the word sayin. What a cool word, I'm just sayin. ha. Great chorus too. The combining of desert air and not so moist dried-out specialty bread is neat, just like this song!
Ha! I wonder if that’s what we call Artisan loaf in the UK? Or fruit cake? Slack chat for the win. Love the humorous delivery!
Funny! I enjoyed the listen!
Agree, I think , it’s almost false advertising! More proof you can sing anything!
So clever! But, I’m still eating raisins.
Hilarious! Love the concept.
I feel like I skirted round the edges of watching this one being written.
And it's a bloody earworm!
These slack songs will never get old. This is hilarious.
Oh, my! I love this so much. You're sweet vocals take nothing away from my hatred of dried out specialty bread but I have to admit I love this song. I can't stop smiling. And the way you come out of the bridge is perfect.

Fun song -- Like the drawn out first couple lines in each verse a lot.
Hahaha I’m not even done listening but I’ve already laughed out loud. This is very fun and I’m proud to be a raisin hater.