Epiphanies and Short Circuits

by @zecoop Mod

Epiphanies and Short Circuits

Liner Notes

Just a little fun with experimentation. I set up my Casio MT-41 as the drum beat, adding glitch and tape echo effects. Then I set up my Yamaha P-120 on an electric piano setting plus Valhalla Supermassive effects. And then I just kind of went with whatever happened, playing live. I like how it turned out. In a strange way, it kind of reflects how I see people coming to wonderful epiphanies, but also reaching those decisions based off faulty brain circuits. Um.... Your interpretation might be a lot different, hahaha. Enjoy!

Casio MT-41 (rock drum setting)
Yamaha P120 (electric piano setting)
Neither of which sounds like that. ;)

#experimental #glitch #ambient #ethereal #casiocore


Ooo, that slow attack/release patch mixed with the dissonant chords is putting the willies up me, if you'll pardon the expression. The drum machine is very cool, and the effects are disorientating but not distracting. Not a million miles away from some of Selected Ambient Works
This reminded me of the incidental music on Welcome to Nightvale - it's got that oddly comforting lo-fi thing while also being kinda ominous. 10/10 would study to this 😆
Loving the space in this. Definite soundtrack vibes, I'm getting arthouse horror.
I love this because it comes across to me so much like a guy in his music studio having a good time experimenting, which is what it's all about, in my opinion.
Gotta love live improv.
The echo on those drums is kinda weirding me out in the headphones.
But in a good way.
Wow, it's a whole different vibe when the percussion drops out.
Sorta Dark Ambient there.
Yeah, nice.
Sounds like a movie score! Interesting textures and cool effect on the drum beat!
Love this experimental soundscape. Glitchy drums are fun and lots of soothing synths that morph into slightly eerie and back to calming. 🎶
Enjoyed this.
When I saw 8 minutes and 34 seconds I knew it would be a banger. 😎 Very spooky! It almost feels like you're a glitch in the system. I enjoyed the sounds passing; gave the vibe of a ghost train rolling through. Sounds like background music for a spooky indie video game. Very interesting interpretation/inspiration. Love it!🐸
This has a pretty amazing sound coming from those sources.
Yup Valhalla is a great tool. Very meditative. Each to their own to get epiphanies , hopefully real ones and not false dawns.
You just sent me on such a nice meditative journey that was full of inspiration. Maybe I should go get that casio off of Marketplace ;). I kept on thinking that Beth Gibbons from Portishead was going to start singing soon. The section around 5mins where the beat dropped out was very choir-of-angels vibe. Nice one.
I feel like I am floating through the empty cables of someone's mind, but I kind like it ;) Really cool experiment!
Well this is pretty far out there. I got a bit of stuffed head tonight so when i saw it was a long track thought i'd kick back on the sofa and close my eyes. I am taken on a jouney around my village in the setting sun dusk to darkness light by all the reverby chord flows, and its tense and nerve wracking and then towards the end, the village becomes relaxing and beautiful with i think a few majoy chord additions. Something really medititive about those drums and the effects
Gotta love vallhalla. What amazes is me about that pluging is how good it makes insanely huge reverbs sound ( and for free!). This is spoooky.
Creepy and cool and ethereal...this is awesome! There's so much fun detail and texture in this.
This does so much stuff... It's a gorgeous trip and hard to believe that there's anything in there that was once trying to be a piano!
Now I'm trying to imagine what would happen if you and @headfirstonly were locked in a room for a couple of days combining your ambient generation toys... 😳
Ha, this is eerie and super cool! You doing this live is so awesome. I love the breaks and fades and you always have a way to make lots of chords work—and those glitches are just perfect….functioning like a plot or something. Definitely movie soundtrack material here! Excellent!
there is so much . . . . space in this . . . it's so . . . . wide? I think wide is the word

love this.
Oh boy - I’m glad I’m not listening to this at bedtime! I would be worried about monsters under the bed. Eerie and ethereal
Cinematic, reverb has made these instruments mighty.
Monday I attended a theatric play. Second part was a laser installation accompanied by sound. I would love to hear your experiment in this setting.
This is eerie! Makes me feel like I’m creeping around a graveyard at midnight. And also there are aliens.
This is taking me places...digging the soundscapes here. Cool track...