Better Than This
by @zecoopMod · @carleybaer
Liner Notes
ZeCoop: I just love writing music with Carley. I sent her my annual ukulele song, written on Feb 2 and when she sent back her main vocal, it was very apparent that the song was going to need to have more instrumentation to match the emotion and story of her singing. She said that she had some ideas for harmonies but wanted to wait, so after adding bass guitar and my Hammond organ, I sent it back. We agreed that it still needed more, so I added a bunch of hand percussion. When I got Carley's vocal files this morning and started mixing, I was just blown away! Carley has given a master class of harmonic vision. What a transformation. I did not see that coming at all and just love it! Thank you so much for writing with me, Carley!!
CB: The pleasure was mine!! I always love when ZeCoop hits me up for a collab, mainly because I suffer from acute time-blindness and February would be over before it occurred to me to ask. But also, the ideas he sends are wistful and beautiful and very fun to write lyrics to. I had a blast with the harmonies as well, and I love collaborating with someone where the answer is always, "yes, and." I like this annual tradition, let's keep it up!
#fuc #bigbuild #harmonies #uke #ukulele #hammondorgan
Cheap Kohala concert ukulele
Harley Benton P-bass
1961 M-101 Hammond organ
Cajon, egg shaker, maracas, ride and crash cymbals
I pulled my coat closer in the cold
On the street outside your door
I remember telling myself
That I wouldn’t come here anymore
I should’ve known better than this
I should’ve known better than this
Went looking for the thing that I miss
Silly girl, don’t you know
That no good can ever come
From sneaking around, wandering back
To the thing that you’re better off far from
I should’ve known better than this
I should’ve known better than this
We said goodbye, it was sealed with a kiss
But it doesn’t go away
Like you want it to
It overwelcomes its stay
You take it around with you
Wish I could set it free
But then you’d be done with me
I should’ve known better than this
I should’ve known better than this
It isn’t wise to reminisce
Really beautiful collab.
Wonderful song, you two
I was drinking afternoon tea, and this was a nice accompaniment to my chill afternoon.