The City That Killed Me Twice

by @davidtaro · @billwhite51

Liner Notes

It’s always a real highlight when I get to work with @billwhite51 lyrics. Sometimes it takes a little longer than normal to find the right musical setting, but often you need that time to appreciate the nuance and layers of meaning within the lines. Indeed, I’ve often looked back at our collabs months after the fact, and suddenly had moments of revelation like “Oh, THAT’S what that bit means!” I suspect it’ll be the same with this one, but in the meantime I hope I’ve done it enough justice for FAWM-purposes. Thanks for the #collab Bill!

Bill says..the origin of this song was several fawms ago when i tried to write a james bond theme song. i had a good title & a decent song, but what is the use of writing a james bond theme if you dont have the tools to give it the right arrangement. so i ditched the song. after several years i was going through my rejected song pile & the title stuck out at me, as it now had personal implications and wasn't just a gimmick, when i moved to lima to get married, i left my life in seattle behind. when my wife died, i lost the life i had found in lima killed both my life in the states & my life in peru. about half of the lyrics were personal and the other half fictional, just to make a story. but the song wasnt in the lyrics as much as in the emotions between the lines, which david so astutely & energetically conveys in his composition and performance. the one personal theme i explored was the oft-ignored contradictions of a love affair. as dickens wrote in his tale of two cities, "it was the best of times. it was the worst of times." so anyway, my daughters grandmother misses her very much since we left peru, and wanted to come here for her birthday. however, there was a 1 year wait before she could even get an appointment for a visa. so my wife's cousin, with whom we are now living, offered to take us to lima for a visit. my response was that estrella had my permission to go, but i was never going back there

#80s #sy


the first time I died
was when you stopped loving me
the second time i died
was when i stopped loving you
in truth, we never stopped loving each other
we just stopped throwing the dice

for ten days i sailed to that duplicitous city
i crossed the mississippi
without paying the price
we had the best of times
we had the worst of times

now im never going back
im never going back
to the city that killed me twice
no im never going back
im never going back
to the city that killed me
the city that killed me twice

and when i kissed you for the last time
my electric head exploded
from an atomic detonation in my heart
i walked away defeated
frozen and overheated


we drove down elvis presley boulevard
but never went to graceland
i guess we were afraid
they wouldnt let us in
my english was so bad
and you were so disappointed
after you cashed in your chips
there was no way i could win

for ten days upon the sea i crumbled
there was nothing left of me when i saw land
i had nothing to hold onto but the railing
i held it tightly as once i held your hand
the best of times were over
the worst was getting worse
i left behind the loaded dice
and put my life into reverse


the first time I died
was when you stopped loving me
the second time i died
was when i stopped loving you
in truth, we never stopped loving each other
we just stopped throwing the dice

chorus twice


Ignoring the touching and sorrowing backstory and just taking the song: this is stunning, powerful and the setting, production, performance is just magic. And the images just hit and hit and hit. APPLAUSE!! In a just world, this song would make both of you rich...
PS I would immediately be adding this to my high energy playlist, wish it was up for streaming!
Impressive banger of a song! Wow, so catchy! Love the mix of guitars and synth. Perfect epic rock vocals for the style and the lyrics are great. Loved listening to this 💚
I appreciate the backstory but the song is great without it too. The first four lines are such a strong hook.
Oh wow, this sounds like the best 80s rock tunes. Your vocals bring to mind Springsteen and Billy idol. The lyrics are so good and your melodies make them shine. Great production.
The chorus on this one is a slab of granite. But all the bits of this work really, really well. The opening leapt out at me actually, with that driving bass. Great performance, you really sell it.

The lyrical hook - the title - is such a winner, and it is such a good idea. But the lyric is more than just that line, the story it tells is really well done. Words and music complement each other incredibly well.

And never during FAWM have I thought that a double chorus to end was more earned - and more enjoyable - than this.
What a hook! Topnotch production as always and a glorious vocal delivery. Such a strong set of lyrics here - you two are a powerful team, and the result is an absolute rocker.
Great hook, and presented with the perfect melody. Ear-worm city!
I love, "the worst was getting worse." What an insightful line! Excellent pairing of two Greats!
Bill is a legend. Such a unique voice…both on and off the page…and David is like my favorite artist ever. I listened to him more than the pixies, mf doom, or Aesop rock last year…so yeah…

Brilliantly written and wonderfully translated by the David. 🖖🏻
Add some glock and you've got yerself a Springsteen hit. Rocking, working man gruffness, gambling, and a hint of mystery.
Oh wow, reading the liner notes was really powerful, thank you for sharing with such vulnerability.. you can really hear the power of that personal experience weaved into the part-fiction part-reality songscape. That title and concept 'the city that killed me twice is a beautifully poignant way to capture that. The song itself and the story within is amazing! David delivers it with such a powerful driving force, it feels like its hurtling down the highway.

I love the lyrics, like 'we drove down elvis presley boulevard but never went to graceland' is a great way of echoing that "we almost made it work" motif. Great song writing and beautifully brought together
That's how you do it! Bravo for this. As many others already wrote the chorus is top notch. And there's so much to find in the lyrics and the arrangement. Congratulations to you both
The chorus is anthemic. I mean, the whole song is massive and rockets along like a steam train at full throttle. And this is a great marriage of lyric and music. The lyrics already have a classic feel - a lot of pros should be kicking themselves for not having thought of the line, 'The city that killed me twice'. But your music and delivery, David, take the lyrics to another level. So many musical settings are a bit like: 'Here's a pair of jeans and a T-shirt; they'll do.' But you've dressed this lyric in a sharp bespoke suit that's a killer. I love the detail of the incisive way you sing 'dice' and 'twice', as though they're slicing the air like a samurai sword.
Love the title, definitely gives off James Bond vibes.

Really enjoyed the first hits from those drums at the start of the song, the reverb on that snare is real nice. The bass guitar tone is super tasty too, and I love that you've driven the whole song with the bass part. The chorus gets really big, but it still feels like it's the bass driving everything along.
Big and bold - the music really matches the lyric. So much energy! The penultimate chorus couplet is super strong
"in truth, we never stopped loving each other
we just stopped throwing the dice"

And "the city that killed me twice" is just an awesome idea (and title).
Well done both of you!
Woo! This is so awesome. Such a great energetic performance. Lyrics are amazing - this sounds like a classic already!
Such power and super catchy melodies/lyrics. The title itself tells all. Great job!
Straight off the bat - fantastic title. That's how you get bums on seats. Or buds in ears, at least.

The narrative voice kicks ass. You tell the story in a way that combines the home-spun plain-truth storytelling of the great American novel with the dark word-picture painting of Dickens. And the delivery turns it all into a bombastic folk hero a la Springsteen. This is a case study in how to distill life experience (complete with months of anxious-yet-dull waiting for administrative decisions) into art. I came for the song. I stayed for the story. Brilliant work, both.
Holy S**t, between Bills lyric and David's musical interpretation, this is the hook of the f*****g century. Sorry, I'm from Brooklyn. :0) @billwhite51 these lyrics are a knockout. You are the master at laying it all out there without necessarily being literal. Having been in David's shoes I've had questions about what's been behind a particular line or two you've sent along. That being said, I'm always moved into emotional states that go way beyond this level of consciousness when working with you. When one let's go, one tunes in to the core of your alchemy. After the fact, the questions disappear. @davidtaro this arrangement is insane. I mean, how in heavens name??? You are all in, all the time. You have a way of diving into a piece with everything you've got. You just keep getting better and better. I can hear this tune all over the place! Bravo, Gents!
Ok, the city that killed me twice - is an amazing title. I like the 80's rock vibe you chose and the driving tempo is perfect. I like that halftime bridge. The chorus really explodes and I look forward to when it comes around again. Well done both!
Destroying that 80s vibe!! The chorus is super catchy and the lyrics match the vibe of the production perfectly. Awesome frigging collab yall!
This is all round fantastic.
I love that the penultimate verse refers back to the first two, with the dice, best/worst of and ten days at sea, and pulls the narrative together. I suppose it's something that accomplished lyricists do naturally, whereas I find I would either leave loose ends all over the place or force repetition because I read it in a book about lyric writing!!
The music absolutely kicks, the production is great, and vocals are awesome. You can really tell how much you are enjoying singing this David, not least from the little 'whoo' that comes in after the bridge.
Wow, what an epic! This one takes you places, like, many places! I would watch this movie and happily sing along to the theme song many great lines here like I had nothing to hold onto but the railing, and drove down elvis presley blvd but never went to graceland, and so many more, love this!
I am absolutely blown away by this. Can I buy you guys' album? (Or would you consider making this one available for download? I would listen to it on repeat, I swear...)
Wow what a great production and arrangement. The phrasing and tempo is so well chosen. Good idea with the anticlimax. If this is not on the radio - what else?

I feel the same when I read Bill's lyrics. Always takes a while until I understand, and I wonder if my English is so bad....
Oh wow this just hits all the 80s rock notes doesn't it? That beefy bass, those massive guitars, that brilliant up-n-down Knight Rider and that wonderful coup de gras of the teeny tiny synth doubling the melody. It's absolute perfection Mr @davidtaro.
@billwhite51 I love the very personal story behind the lyrics. That sense of drawing a line under the place is so strongly evoked. Really love the lines in the first and (repeated) last verse. They hit the absolute bullseye.
Now that is a chorus! But where’s the guitar solo? 😕
Catchy chorus, melody and lyrics fit well together.. Great rockin' beat and guitar work.
Those vocal shout lines are so effective. Amped-up, high-powered 80s musical goodness that aptly matches the epicness of the lyrics. Love those arpeggiating synth touches.
Very powerful song and collaboration. The hurt doesn't heal but we have to learn to live with it. Creating songs is very helpful because we can put in words and music what we truly feel. Great lyrics, music, singing and playing. Rocking with pain and power.
Killer song... big wow.
Cool song. A fine collaboration with a big sound that radiates. Lyrics had me spinning.
So much feeling and power in both the music and the lyrics... and so much to think about while rocking hard, too! This is massive!
I think this is as good as it gets…perfection in all departments!
If I happened upon it on the radio or online, I’d have to research the artist and writers and discover all about them.
An amazing combination of words and music that deserves all the accolades below and I’m sure, beyond…
Massive respect to @billwhite51 and @davidtaro for creating a masterpiece!
Hearing some Meatloaf vibes here! This is a fantastic rocking anthem song with the perfect vocal grit to pull it off! Nice job!
Well bloody hell if this didn't kick me off my seat. Forward-leaning, throbbing arena rock with a really high energy right from the killer opening line. When you hear "the first time I died was when you stopped loving me" right off the bat you know this isn't your average rock song, but packs some serious meaning. Very touching lyrics expertly crafted and I feel like the rocking approach gets the message across very effectively. I would've been tempted to fashion these lyrics to a slow dirge, but Mr. Taro's cleverness and expertise steers away from the obvious and gives the words weight and a whole range of emotions. Excellent track.
Yay, great collab. The distortion on your vocals are so harsh and lovely. Got serious boss vibes from your delivery. Loved the subtle little synths in the background and that chorus is catchy as hell, great job.
Well...My only complaint is there was no guitar solo. DT, I feel deprived!

I concur with the lyrical brilliance. Bill, I'm always so impressed and in awe of your wordsmithing (that even goes for the thoughtful comments you leave for others) . You have such a way with words and storytelling. @jeff9 gave such a thorough analysis I'll just tip my hat to him and say...yes to what he said.

Musically, I also concur with the Springsteen vibes (and Meatloaf). Although, DT, you are much more Springsteen like than Meatloaf. As always, killer production and music making. You da champ!
This is arena ready. Very anthemic, like Springsteen at his "Born in the USA" peak. Excellent lyrics, great production.
There is so much to say about this. First the lyrics. I read them several times before listening and reading Bill's liner notes. I was blown away by how literary they were while also being conversational enough for a song lyric. Well, maybe with the exception of "duplicitous", but that was an important word for me because I was struck by what seemed like a highly artful writing device--the whole duality & opposites thread that runs through everything. "Twice" in the title & hook; the journey and the return; the first and last kiss; the two metaphorical deaths; "best of times worst of times"; the two dice; "frozen and overheated". Whether or not this was a conscious intent by Bill, it strikes me as brilliant. I thought the journey was from someplace overseas to Vegas and back (there's an Elvis Blvd there, too). The story isn't linear and we're left with a lot of mystery, but I just found it mesmerizing.

On the music, I was a little skeptical at first as to how well it would work as a rock thing versus something more introspective and quiet, but holy #%$&!!! David just slayed the bejesus out of it with this Springsteen-esque treatment (ok maybe a little Meatloaf, too). It works for the artfulness of the lyric and rocks the hell out like few besides The Boss can do. I've listened twice and going back for more. I just think it's ridiculously good and if y'all don't mind, I'm tossing it into the Recommendations thread--my first this year.
Big, intense and energetic. The chorus gave me some Meat Loaf vibes. Infectious chorus. Proper eighties-style singalong. I liked the tale of two cities theme - very fitting. The story is a sad one but the song is uplifting. Production, as usual, is off the charts.
"The City That Killed Me Twice" could be a James Bond title. Nice song!
The chorus is SO GOOD, I think I'd have voted for repeating it at the end until a fade out became legally required for safety. This lyrical gem is a standout: "the best of times were over / the worst was getting worse / i left behind the loaded dice / and put my life into reverse"

So many great images and details, and just the right tone/energy in the performance. I wanted a rhyme in that first/last stanza to setup "dice," but that's nitpicking a fantastic song.
I agree @jerrypettit ! It has a very cool movie soundtrack kind of vibe - great tempo, nice texture, good intensity, catchy melody, awesome vocals and harmonies, and a powerful message in the well crafted lyrics. The first line is just killer - pun intended - and it grabs you right away. Great use of repetition, wonderful story telling and we totally understand how this character feels. David took it to the next level with his passionate vocal delivery and super cool rocking instrumental track. I like the touch of octave harmonies in that bridge. I also like that high synth playing the vocal melody in the chorus. So many nice touches throughout. People would walk out of the theater singing that chorus. I am singing it in my head now. Awesome collab you guys!
@billwhite51 , did you tell @davidtaro that this was supposed to be a James Bond theme? Because I'm pretty convinced that it is! Great "Bond-ish" production vibes. Terrific collaboration guys--maybe at least it will be featured in the next Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movie...❤️
This is great - big, rocky number that barrels along and carries everything along with it. So much energy. Great lyrics, lots of pathos, particularly in those first four lines. Love it!
This is why I love FAWM. I never listen to rock music. I totally would see myself singing along to this on a road trip with my friends :)
Brilliant lyrics - like watching a movie. That opening snapped me to attention. Wasn’t expecting a rocker after reading the lyrics. Then David’s vocals hit me like a whip - brilliantly done!
It has The Killers vibe all over it! I love the energy in the vocals. Really fun listen
Ah David , bloody awesome to hear you rocking out , and you know how much i adore your vocals and the fact you can make them so flexible for all types blows me away. This is a brilliant collab? Heavy and rocky but so dam catchy. BLoody awesome
A real rocker from David . Great vocal performance..I CAN hardly talk after listening ....David how do you talk after signing it?... Great lyrics Bill. Relationship can be a gamble sometimes.
some really nice lines there even a bit of Dickens!' I love the dieing twice ! pretty epic rocking song.
Holy Hell I loooove the vibe! Perfectly captures upbeat 80s pop for me!